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The town is located on the river Obol in Shumilino region, 68 kilometers away form Vitebsk. In 2000 its population constituted 3,300 people.

Obol was first mentioned in historical documents in 1503.

During the Great Patriotic war the town had its own youth patriotic clandestine group.

The exact time when Jews started settling in Obol is unknown. Perhaps it happened in the middle of the 19th century. Before the Great Patriotic war several scores of Jews lived here. On July 2nd, 1942, they were executed at the local cemetery. In 1967 an obelisk was set up on the grave.

In 1970 four Jews resided in Obol, in 1979 – two (from the total population of 3,141 people)

Arkady Podlipsky

Jewish settlements in Vitebsk region

Vitebsk Albrehtovo Babinovichi Baran Bayevo Begoml Beshenkovichi Bocheikovo Bogushevsk Borkovichi Braslav Bychiha Chashniki Disna Dobromysli Dokshitsy Druya Dubrovno Glubokoye Gorodok Kamen Kohanovo Kolyshki Kopys Krasnopolie Kublichi Lepel Liady Liozno Lukoml Luzhki Lyntupy Miory Obol Oboltsy Orsha Osintorf Ostrovno Parafianovo Plissa Polotsk Prozorki Senno Sharkovshina Shumilino Sirotino Slaveni Smolyany Surazh Tolochin Ulla Verhnedvinsk Vidzy Volyntsy Yanovichi Yezerishe Zhary Ziabki

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