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David Sulman

Leonard Sulman

The Sulmans, who originated from the village of Albrekhtovo, lost half of their relatives in the period from 1935 to 1945.

Fortunately, some residents of Albrekhtovo have managed to survive the war and I am asking them to share the old documents and photographs that are left.


Abram Markovich Sulman.
Abram Markovich Sulman.

Abram Markovich SULMAN (18.09.1904 г. – 17.03.1983) was born in the village of Albrekhtovo in Vitebsk region in a big poor family. In 1926 he was drafted to the Red Army.

In 1938 he was appointed head of production-technical department of "Uraluglerazvedka".

He retired in 1962.

Abram Markovich Sulman and his wife Sofia Arkadievna Zelkina (born in 1912) had two sons – Boris (born in 1931) and Leonard (born in 1933).

Abram Sulman died at the age of 79 and was buried at the Severnoye cemetery in Yekaterinburg.

Leonard Abramovich Sulman,
New Zealand

Jewish settlements in Vitebsk region

Vitebsk Albrehtovo Babinovichi Baran Bayevo Begoml Beshenkovichi Bocheikovo Bogushevsk Borkovichi Braslav Bychiha Chashniki Disna Dobromysli Dokshitsy Druya Dubrovno Glubokoye Gorodok Kamen Kohanovo Kolyshki Kopys Krasnopolie Kublichi Lepel Liady Liozno Lukoml Luzhki Lyntupy Miory Obol Oboltsy Orsha Osintorf Ostrovno Parafianovo Plissa Polotsk Prozorki Senno Sharkovshina Shumilino Sirotino Slaveni Smolyany Surazh Tolochin Ulla Verhnedvinsk Vidzy Volyntsy Yanovichi Yezerishe Zhary Ziabki

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