Before the war the Matlins lived in Vitebsk at sawmill No. 13. According to our family stories, my grandmother, Maria Israilevna Matlina, used to work in Vitebsk in a jewelry shop before she got married. There, in Vitebsk, she met my grandfather and they got married. They had two children: my father, Gershon Hononovich Matlin and his sister, Ida Hononovna Matlina.
The photo was made in 1938-1940. The Matlins. Head of the family, Honon Matlin, his wife Maria Israilevna, their son (my father) Gershon Honovich, daughter Ida Honovna Matlina.
Honon Matlin, second row, second on the right.
Maria Israilevna Matlina, third row, fourth on the left.
When the war began, grandfather managed to evacuate our family with the last train. He had to stay because he needed to finish evacuation of some equipment. Later he was told that our train had been bombed and everyone had been killed, so he made a decision not to leave Vitebsk. We are not certain what happened to him during the war. According to one story he joined a partisan brigade but was later caught by Nazis and sent to a camp, where he died from exhaustion.
According to another story, he was sent to a ghetto, where he was shot. Perhaps there are people, who have some information about my grandfather.
Mikhail Matlin,