From the story of Mikhail Isaakovich Danilovich
Isaak Danilovich with son Mikhail.
My grandmother's name was Riva, grandfather's – Aron. They originated from Chausy. I know that grandfather had three more brothers: Abram, Ruva and Girsl. I did not see my grandfather but I know that he was born in 1910. Everything I know is from the stories of my father. I will try to share my story here.
The most memorable story is about father's uncle Girsl. In 1919 or 1919 he immigrated to America with his elder son. I do not know anything about their life in America but in 1931 Girsl came to Belarus. I know this date exactly because he was in Belarus when my father was getting married. I almost don't have any per-war photographs but I clearly remember the photograph of Girsl sitting on a bench with my mother. He was wearing a big hat, which was not typical of that time; and he had a big beard. Unfortunately, this photograph is lost.
Kirk and Michael Douglas.
I do not know what happened to Girsl later – whether he went back to America or stayed. I have no information about his elder son, either. His younger son, who was born in the US, Iser, became a great actor, more widely known as Kirk Douglas. His real name would be Iser Gershelevich Danilovich-Demsky. His son Mark (Michael) Douglas is, therefore, my second cousin. I know that after the war the connection with our relatives in America was lost.
My grandfather Aron was a carrier. He had several horses that would take people to Mogilev. This was a family occupation: Abram and Girsl were carriers as well.
"History of Mogilev Jewry", book 2, part 1.