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Before the war Rodnia was practically a Jewish place – Belarusians only used to live on its outskirts, while the Jews lived in the center. There was a collective farm, a synagogue and a Jewish school. During the war the local Jews were shot in a ditch next to the Jewish cemetery. My grandfather told me about this.

Next to me there used to live a woman, Nadezhda Tikhonovna Bayeva. She gave a shelter to a Jewish family during the war. She told us about that. Unfortunately, she died a long time ago.

Tatiana Nikolayevna Mikhailova,
Teacher of geography at a school in Rodnia.

Jewish settlements in Mogilev region

MogilevAntonovkaBatsevichiBelynichiBelynkovichiBobruiskByhovChausyCherikov Dashkovka DribinEsmonyGluskGolovchinGorki GoryGrozdianka Hotimsk KirovskKlichev KonohovkaKostukovichi KrichevKruchaKrugloye Lenino LubonichiMartinovka MoliatichiMstislavlNaprasnovkaOsipovichi RodniaRudkovschina SamotevichiSapezhinkaSeletsShamovoShepelevichiShklovSlavgorodStaroselieSukhariSvislochVereschaki ZaverezhieZhilichi

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