![]() Проект «Голоса еврейских местечек. Могилевская область».פיתוח קשרי התרבות בין העמים של ישראל ובלרוס
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JEWS MURDERED IN KARPACHI WERE NOT MENTIONED IN THE MEMORY BOOKUnfortunately, I know very little about my family. My grandmother's relatives are not alive anymore and my mother's relatives know hardly anything. A whole village was wiped out and there is no information about it. The place where the village of Konokhovka is located today used to be several villages. One of them was called Karpachi and was a place where a lot of Jews lived. My great grandparents Genia and Nohom Kagan (or Kogan) lived their whole lived in Karpachi. They had three sons: Isaak, Lev and Grigory, and two daugthers: Esfir and Rivka (my grandmother). The children were living around the country and often visited Karpachi and left their children there for the summer. In the summer of 1941 my mother, who was three, uncle Felix, aged 12 and Isaak's family – wife Sonia and two boys, came to Karpachi. This is a photograph of my family, taken in 1935 in Karpachi. In the photo is my grandmother Rivka on the right. My uncle Felix is on her lap (now dead). He was the only one of Karpachi Jews who survived. Luckily, my mother fell ill and her grandmother took her to Leningrad one month before the war, while Felix remained in Karpachi. Felix was half Russian, blond, and did not look Jewish. My grandparents sent him to live with the neighbors, who saved him. On the website of "Yad Vashem I found the name of the woman who saved him – Anna Martynova. "According to the stories of the local residents, during the war Anna Martynova from Karpachi gave a shelter to a Jewish boy, who had come there from Leningrad before the war." Later Felix was forcefully sent to work in Germany, so he managed to return only after the war. He said that all the Jews from Karpachi were shot in 1941 near a ditch. Yad Vashem has information about 15 people killed in Karpachi (I assume that the number of victims was much higher). The memory book of Klimovichi district does not contain information about the Jews murdered in Karpachi. Mikhail Leviant
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