![]() Проект «Голоса еврейских местечек. Могилевская область».פיתוח קשרי התרבות בין העמים של ישראל ובלרוס
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MY PARENTSand my mother Riva. Second row – Moisey on the left, my father Adolf on the right. Third row: Getz, Bronia and Zalman. My father's last name was Krasilshikov. His parents originated from the village of Maliatichi. The family consisted of father Shlema, mother Ginessa (Gina) and four children – sons Ruvim, and Adolf (my father) and daughters Sima and Riva. At the end of the 1920s the family moved to Baku to work. Mother's last name was Indina. Her family originated from Klimovichi. The family consisted of father Berc (Boris), mother Mera and five children – sons Moisey, Zalman, Getz and daughters Riva (my mother) and Bronia. and younger son Getz, killed at the battlefront. In 1939 Getz was in Klimovichi, where a photo was taken with father and his wife Yelizaveta. This is the last photograph of these relatives. Grandfather and his wife were shot by fascists in Klimovichi. I was told that even before a ghetto had been established in Klimovichi, ten Jewish residents were murdered. Among them was my grandfather… Father died in 1972 in Baku. Mother died is 1994 in Israel, where we've been living in Beer Sheva since 1991. My sister Mera (Mara) is also living in Beer Sheva. Leonid Krasilshikov. |
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