![]() Проект «Голоса еврейских местечек. Могилевская область».פיתוח קשרי התרבות בין העמים של ישראל ובלרוס
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NAPRASNOVKAMass murder of Jewish population was executed in Naprasnovka on March 22, 1942. The number of victims was 250. They had been cruelly beaten before being killed. Children were thrown into ditches alive and covered with dead bodies. A mass murder was carried out in the town of Gorky. More than 300 Jews were executed. State archives of the Ministry of Defense. The town of Gorky. Nadezhda Markovna Pishikova (Rodicheva), born in 1923. "I was born in the village of Shepelevka. When I got married I moved to Naprasnovka, where my husband lived. The village was rather big and mostly Jewish. During the war I was in the occupation. I remember the names of some people. There was Mendel with a big family. They had 16 children. Before the war the children and grandchildren came to his house from different towns. There was the old lonely man Berka. I remember Simon with two sone. Sheina made bread rings and sold them. There was Leiba Rak, Pinka with daughter Olia. Berta had daughter Luba. Yankel had a lot of sons. There was a big two-storey synagogue. First no one did any harm to the Jews, so a lot of relatives of the locals arrived here from Orsha and other towns. Germans arrived in 1943. The Jews were assembled and taken to the woods, where a ditch had been prepared. There the people were forced to lie down in the ditch and shot. Some men managed to escape and survived. My father was killed by partisans during the war. Prepared by A. Litin, I. Shenderovich
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